Cycling to work has been found to correlate with improved mental health, leading to increased happiness, according to a recent study published by The University of Edinburgh.

The research reveals that individuals who commute to work by bicycle are less likely to be prescribed medications for anxiety or depression compared to those who use alternative modes of transportation.

Moreover, the study suggests that adopting cycling as an economical and sustainable commuting method enhances mental well-being and implies that policies promoting investments in cycle paths and encouraging active commuting could yield widespread benefits. 

Such initiatives could potentially improve mental health outcomes, as well as contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions, alleviation of road congestion, and mitigation of air pollution.

The published research can be found in detail in The International Journal of Epidemiology. and was funded by the Economic and Social Science Research Council (ESRC) through Administrative Data Research (ADR) Scotland.

Additionally, the World Economic Forum some time ago released a video highlighting Five Reasons Cycling Is Good For You - And The Planet

1. It makes you healthier.

2. Cycling cuts your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes while boosting immunity, combating obesity, and even aiding digestion. 

It's good for your mind, too; it decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol and releases mood-lifting chemicals serotonin and dopamine.

3. Cycling leads to cleaner air

Not driving cuts out toxic pollutants like NO2 and sulfur dioxide. Cyclists also inhale less pollution than drivers, bus passengers, and walkers.

4. It limits C02 emissions

In Europe, cycling has a carbon footprint of about 21g of CO2 per km. That includes emissions from manufacturing the bike and from your diet. Altogether, that's less than 10% of the emissions of a driving car.

5. It relieves pressure on public transport

Cycling cuts the risk of overcrowding on buses and trains during the pandemic. As well as easing road traffic congestion

Januar 17, 2024 — The Newton-Rider team

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