Riding with Confidence

Montar con confianza

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En los momentos de tranquilidad antes de un viaje, a menudo reflexionamos sobre las responsabilidades que asumimos, no solo para nosotros mismos, sino también para quienes nos aprecian. Cualquier casco de bicicleta es más que un mero accesorio; es un voto silencioso para salvaguardar la confianza depositada en nosotros por nuestros seres queridos.

Más allá de su función práctica, un casco simboliza una comprensión compartida de la responsabilidad. Es una tranquilidad para nuestros seres queridos que damos prioridad a la seguridad, reconociendo la confianza que depositan en nosotros. Mientras aseguramos nuestro casco en su lugar, es un reconocimiento sutil de... 

abril 24, 2024 — The Newton-Rider team
The Newton-Rider N1 Helmet -redefining the bicycle helmet

The Newton-Rider N1 Helmet -redefining the bicycle helmet

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There's a common perception among cyclists that traditional bicycle helmets are large, stiff, and bulky, threatening to obliterate their carefully curated self-esteem and confidence. Unlike EPS helmets, the Newton-Rider N1 boasts a semi-soft and slender design preserving the personality and awareness of urban cyclists....

Urban Cycling –the Unbearable Lightness of Commute

Urban Cycling –the Unbearable Lightness of Commute

A major shift is altering the transport scene within the delicate urban network of prominent European cities: the prioritisation of cycling. A harmonic fusion of urban planning and sustainable mobility has given birth to "The Unbearable Lightness of Commute," mirroring Milan Kundera's investigation of life's ambiguitie...
agosto 25, 2023 — The Newton-Rider team
The SUV Syndrome: Unraveling the Enigma of American Wheels

The SUV Syndrome: Unraveling the Enigma of American Wheels

Greetings, fellow seekers of the road less traveled! Today, we embark on a journey of wit, wisdom, and a dash of irony as we unravel the peculiar fascination that our American cousins seem to have with their big, heavy, and old-fashioned SUVs. As European cyclists, we may raise an eyebrow at this automotive obsession,...
Unveiling a Cycling Utopia: Witness the Transformation of a City's Streets

Unveiling a Cycling Utopia: Witness the Transformation of a City's Streets

Listen to this blog post as a podcast Once upon a time, a transformation was taking place in the bustling streets of a city. People were ecstatic and anticipatory as they observed the beginning of a new era in urban mobility. The city had adopted the cyclist's point of view, opening the stage for a future in which bicycle...