Newton-Rider team /Post del blog
I'm precious FFS!
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Each of us is unique—a masterpiece of experiences, dreams, and untold stories. We are special, precious, and deserving of love, respect, and admiration. Like the way something is thoughtfully designed to adapt ergonomically, fitting us individually and perfectly, our uniqueness is meant to be celebrated—truly and unapologetically. It’s a universal longing, to be seen for who we truly are and to know that our presence matters in this world.
Cyclists Are Thriving in Urban Cities – Why Is It, and Who’s Next?
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Guidare con fiducia
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Nei momenti tranquilli che precedono un viaggio, spesso meditiamo sulle responsabilità che portiamo, non solo per noi stessi, ma per coloro che ci vogliono bene. Qualsiasi casco da bicicletta è più di un semplice accessorio; è un voto silenzioso per salvaguardare la fiducia riposta in noi dai nostri cari.
Al di là della sua funzione pratica, un casco simboleggia una comprensione condivisa della responsabilità. È una silenziosa garanzia per i nostri cari che diamo priorità alla sicurezza, riconoscendo la fiducia che ripongono in noi. Mentre fissiamo il nostro casco in posizione, è un sottile riconoscimento di...
Cycling to work linked with better mental health
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Cycling to work has been found to correlate with improved mental health, leading to increased happiness, according to a recent study published by The University of Edinburgh.
The research reveals that individuals who commute to work by bicycle are less likely to be prescribed medications for anxiety or depression compared to those who use alternative modes of transportation.
The Newton-Rider N1 Helmet -redefining the bicycle helmet
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There's a common perception among cyclists that traditional bicycle helmets are large, stiff, and bulky, threatening to obliterate their carefully curated self-esteem and confidence. Unlike EPS helmets, the Newton-Rider N1 boasts a semi-soft and slender design preserving the personality and awareness of urban cyclists....