The Newton-Rider N1 bicycle helmet is designed to help prevent concussions in bike accidents.

The Newton-Rider N1 bicycle helmet is designed to help prevent concussions in bike accidents.

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Understanding Concussions: Causes and Implications Concussions pose a grave risk in bike accidents, potentially leading to long-term cognitive and neurological issues that greatly impact an individual's quality of life. Research by Lloyd and Conidi reveals that traditional bike helmets provide limited protection agains...

%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
Modern urban cyclist wearing the Newton-Rider N1neo helmet

Cyclists Are Thriving in Urban Cities – Why Is It, and Who’s Next?

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At its core, cycling has become an intelligent and stylish choice for city dwellers. The modern cyclist isn’t just someone avoiding traffic—they’re someone embracing a way of life that reflects efficiency, eco-consciousness, and a sense of empowerment. Today, more and more urbanites are turning to cycling not only as a practical solution but as an extension of their personality. There’s an inherent confidence in riding a bike—a boldness that speaks to independence, control, and modern living.


%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
Riding with Confidence


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%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
Electric cars are not the future


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米国では、自動車開発の傾向は、無意味で魅力のないデザインで悪名高い EV テスラ サイバートラックに代表されるように、より大きく重い車両に傾いているようです。対照的に、ヨーロッパは輸送に対して、より思慮深く持続可能なアプローチを採用しています。

%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
Cycling to work linked with better mental health

Cycling to work linked with better mental health

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Cycling to work has been found to correlate with improved mental health, leading to increased happiness, according to a recent study published by The University of Edinburgh.

The research reveals that individuals who commute to work by bicycle are less likely to be prescribed medications for anxiety or depression compared to those who use alternative modes of transportation.

%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
The Newton-Rider N1 Helmet -redefining the bicycle helmet

The Newton-Rider N1 Helmet -redefining the bicycle helmet

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There's a common perception among cyclists that traditional bicycle helmets are large, stiff, and bulky, threatening to obliterate their carefully curated self-esteem and confidence. Unlike EPS helmets, the Newton-Rider N1 boasts a semi-soft and slender design preserving the personality and awareness of urban cyclists....

The Newton-Rider N1 helmet ...a helmet like no other.

The Newton-Rider N1 helmet ...a helmet like no other.

Newton-Rider decided back in 2020 to try to put some much needed new design, engineering and invention into the classic bicycle helmet.
The rising popularity of sustainable transportation modes such as micro-mobility and multi-modal transportation, combined with a heightened awareness of look and comfort, ensured the team that a modern bicycle helmet should be much thinner, much more connected to style and fashion...
%B%d、%Y — Ulrik Jensen
Newton-Rider N1: Redefining Bicycle Helmets in a New Frontier of Style and Safety

Newton-Rider N1: Redefining Bicycle Helmets in a New Frontier of Style and Safety

We wanted to design a thin, sleek, stylish and semi-soft helmet. A helmet that is comfortable to wear, foldable for easy storing throughout the day or between commutes. A helmet with more advanced technology, namely Linear Protection and Multi-Impact technology. We wanted to make a helmet that was indeed like no other...
Der Newton-Rider N1-Fahrradhelm wurde entwickelt, um Gehirnerschütterungen bei Fahrradunfällen zu verhindern.

Der Newton-Rider N1-Fahrradhelm wurde entwickelt, um Gehirnerschütterungen bei Fahrradunfällen zu verhindern.

Der Newton-Rider N1-Helm bedeutet eine Paradigmenverschiebung im Helmdesign. Durch die Integration modernster Materialien und Technologien nutzt der Newton-Rider N1-Helm halbweiche Pads mit einem dreischichtigen Aufprallschutzsystem...
%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
Man riding with the newton-Rider N1 foldable helmet

Pedalling in Style

How fashion is part of the cycling experience Cycling transcends mere utility; it is a means of self-expression, interaction with the environment, and a potent vehicle for environmental change. In this discourse, we delve into the profound influence of fashion on the cycling experience, encompassing personal style and...
Urban Cycling –the Unbearable Lightness of Commute

Urban Cycling –the Unbearable Lightness of Commute

A major shift is altering the transport scene within the delicate urban network of prominent European cities: the prioritisation of cycling. A harmonic fusion of urban planning and sustainable mobility has given birth to "The Unbearable Lightness of Commute," mirroring Milan Kundera's investigation of life's ambiguitie...
%B%d、%Y — The Newton-Rider team
The SUV Syndrome: Unraveling the Enigma of American Wheels

The SUV Syndrome: Unraveling the Enigma of American Wheels

Greetings, fellow seekers of the road less traveled! Today, we embark on a journey of wit, wisdom, and a dash of irony as we unravel the peculiar fascination that our American cousins seem to have with their big, heavy, and old-fashioned SUVs. As European cyclists, we may raise an eyebrow at this automotive obsession,...